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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wishes Do Come True.

Welcome back.

Sometimes when you step outside of your comfort zone, it's a challenge, an adventure, a struggle.

Several months ago, I took a leap of faith with Rusty Monkey Studio online to create a Word Press website. Well, after many stumbling blocks, I admit, I've missed blogging on Blogger. Even with this first new post, it feels like I'm home again. In a familiar place. My security blanket, if you will.

My hope is to get back to interacting online with my friends and family, without the sole reliance of Facebook. I like to be able to re-visit my past via a simple search tool. I like to visit blogs of friends around the country. I like to take photos and share them. I like to write words in my journal. I like to share my journey of treasure hunting. I like blogging!

So, a HUGE, heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to Karen Valentine, of Karen Valentine Design, for working with my vision the last couple of weeks to bring Rusty Monkey Studio back home. I will continue to add content and tweak a few things here and there, but this is a great beginning to a world I enjoy.

Cheers, and stay tuned.


  1. Can't wait to see more... ! A très vite !

  2. I know what you mean about blogging, and FB. Just do not have time for both so FB has taken over.
    Maybe I will get re-inspired to blog more....but then there is that time issue. =)
    you go girl!

  3. PS thanks for keeping the post short so I can actually read it instead of being 'scared off' for lack of time...

    1. I'll try to keep the posts light-hearted and short.... :-)

  4. I know this will be a great blog because you are so creative and inspiring. Love you!

  5. I know this will be a great blog because you are so creative and inspiring. Love you!

  6. Glad to have you back and I'm looking forward to hearing all about your adventures! Even hoping I'll be a part of a few of them :)

    1. But of course!!! See you in a few weeks.... Bring your bail money... Ha ha

  7. Glad to have you back and I'm looking forward to hearing all about your adventures! Even hoping I'll be a part of a few of them :)

  8. Looking forward to more! Didn't know you were a glamper girl - I have to say I am jealous!

    1. I'm on a Glamper adventure with a vintage trailer redo! (Or two!) Gonna be great. I'll be blogging about that journey here too! :-)


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