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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wishes Do Come True.

Welcome back.

Sometimes when you step outside of your comfort zone, it's a challenge, an adventure, a struggle.

Several months ago, I took a leap of faith with Rusty Monkey Studio online to create a Word Press website. Well, after many stumbling blocks, I admit, I've missed blogging on Blogger. Even with this first new post, it feels like I'm home again. In a familiar place. My security blanket, if you will.

My hope is to get back to interacting online with my friends and family, without the sole reliance of Facebook. I like to be able to re-visit my past via a simple search tool. I like to visit blogs of friends around the country. I like to take photos and share them. I like to write words in my journal. I like to share my journey of treasure hunting. I like blogging!

So, a HUGE, heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to Karen Valentine, of Karen Valentine Design, for working with my vision the last couple of weeks to bring Rusty Monkey Studio back home. I will continue to add content and tweak a few things here and there, but this is a great beginning to a world I enjoy.

Cheers, and stay tuned.

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